We had so much fun over the holidays!! We saw tons of Christmas
lights with various friends and family in various places, and went to
lots of Christmas activities for the kids. Then we drove to Albuquerque
and stayed there with the Steffensen clan for a few days before driving
to Arizona where we spent actual Christmas day with the Atkin clan. Then
it was back to ABQ for a few days before we had to go home. Lots of
family and TONS of fun, despite all of us getting sick at one time or
another! So thankful we were able to be with everyone- LOVED it- totally worth the drive! After being gone for almost a month though it is good to be home. Here are just a few of the pics...
I'm trying to reach out to Treh Steffensen. My name is Eric Pohl. Please get back to me so we can chat a bit. Thank you