Friday, June 15, 2012


The wagon ride around Nauvoo

smelling the flowers

Rielly made beds and put the baby dolls to sleep- my little mom

Even Chris got into the Pioneer spirit

Rielly got to make a hat and walk in a children's parade

We stayed in Keokuk and spent two days in Nauvoo. We went into a lot of houses and saw some funny shows (Rielly's favorite part was the dancing and singing boys and girls!). It was such an amazing feeling to be in that historic town where so many faithful saints lived and gave everything they had to live the gospel. What a tremendous example of faith and devotion that those early saints are! How wonderful it is to see the Nauvoo Temple built there again after the saints had been driven out of the state so many years before and had to leave it behind. God works in miraculous ways!

Church History Vacation

Adam Ondi Ahman- so beautiful!
The walkway to Carthage jail was lined with these plaques- Rielly stopped in front of every single one wanting me to take a picture of her- "Cheese!"

Carthage Jail

Checking into our hotel in Keokuk- the kids loved to help push the luggage

 Day 1- the drive, not too bad, only a few hours. We visited Adam Ondi Ahman, Carthage Jail, and the hotel swimming pool!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Gavin is TWO!

He loves to watch and play any sport that has a ball! He also enjoys not wearing clothes!
Basketball cupcakes- it was a learning experience for me :)

blowing out the candles

Friends to share the day with

A firetruck stopped by the park we were at and let all the kids get in and look around!

Lots of trucks from Grandma!!
I can't believe my baby boy is 2! He is always full of energy and smiles! His favorite things are balls, trucks, and anything soft- although his stuffed doggy is his favorite. We had a party for him at a park with water balloons and squirt guns- everything is better with water right?!