Monday, July 19, 2010

Yeah for Summer

A balloon landed right behind our apartment and Rielly watched until it was completely taken down!
Gavin is Smiling!

Rielly loves the pool! Everyday she wants to wear her swimsuit and go swimming! Luckily Chris really likes the pool too!

Family Fun

Behr and Gavin are about 2 months apart.

Blessing Gavin

We had lots of family support us for Gavin's blessing! Grandma and Grandpa Atkin came, along with Ryan's family and Addie's family! Of course the Steffensen's were all there too- even Landon's family from California! Rielly was so happy to take pictures- can you tell?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Love at Home

Rielly loves her baby brother! She likes to share all of her toys with him, although that means putting them on his face or on top of his head! She even shows him her books! What a great big sister!